Exploring the nature of humanity and dreaming of futures not so far ahead...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The Purpose.

What is change?

What does it mean?

What does it accomplish?

Why does it happen?

Can it happen differently in different places?

Is change inevitable?

As a recent college graduate with a degree that somewhat resembles a Sociology degree (more on that at a later date), I often find myself asking questions like those you read above.  Of course, the textbooks that we read tell us that change is 'to make a shift from one to the other' (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/change).

I'm dissatisfied with this definition.  It's too clinical, too cold.  But then again, when a sociologist says 'change', it's quite often a loaded term.  As someone versed in the world of liberal arts academia and modern Christian thinking, when I say 'change', I actually mean 'social change'.  Social change is different. It isn't cold and clinical. Social change sets captives free. Social change brings light into the world's darkest places. It finds injustice, confronts it, and forces good to prevail....sometimes. Seemingly more so now than ever, there is a general outcry against injustice and poverty. Students on college campuses all over the world come together to protest against despotic regimes that exist thousands of miles away and aid is sent across the globe from rich to poor in order to stem the constant tide of hunger and disease (Remind me to come back to that in later posts).

I hope that my idealism isn't coming across too obviously.

I digress.  

The title of this post is 'The Purpose', and I suppose that this is about the time when I should actually be getting to that part of my little monologue.  I have written many blog posts on several blogs which all eventually fail due to my lack of interest in keeping up with postings and the simple issue of time. This blog will not suffer the same fate.

With this blog, I really want to share my ideas, insights, questions, and occasional rants about 'change'.  I have what some would consider radical ideas about how to try to eliminate poverty and stabilize certain global regions (don't fret, nothing genocidal).  I am fascinated by popular culture in the developed world and how technology has and continues to shape the way we live.  

But you don't get away that easily!

This isn't meant to be a one-way blog.  I deeply want to foster dialogue about these topics and more, so don't be shy.  This is a safe place for the expression of ideas about social change, where we come from, and where we are going.  I will endeavor to post something new each week to start, and then answer questions in a timely manner.  

I hope to hear from you.


1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited to see you get fired up about this again! I'll be waiting to hear about some of your ideas.

    Also, this probably isn't the best place for it, but we should catch up soon!
