Exploring the nature of humanity and dreaming of futures not so far ahead...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I(squared)WP - Abortion

(Ignore the fact that it has been a while and let's get into it.)

Tis the season of Presidential elections, and with debates happening on stages with candidates and with average Joes on the street, I think we all have some small part of us that likes to imagine what we would do if we ever made to the highest office in the land.  The one that's an oval.

In this spirit of lofty dreams, I submit to you how I (as President), would address the hot button issue of abortion.  This series will be sporadic, but I've labeled it 'I(squared)WP'.  Translation: If I Were President.

And we're off!
(I will be writing this as a Presidential candidate explaining my position and my plan)


Abortion is a big issue.  Should we allow it, should we ban it? Under what circumstances is abortion okay or not okay?  It is a moral and political wasteland that divides our nation and fuels the fires of political radicalism all across America.  I think that instead of arguing on a federal level whether or not abortion is acceptable, we as a nation should go to a smaller level of debate: the states.

I am a Christian.  I live my life following the ideals and tenets set down by God in the Scriptures.  My faith informs and guides me every day, and I can't ignore my beliefs when it comes to the issue of abortion.  It is my personal belief as follower of Christ that abortion is wrong.  Listen to that again: I believe that abortion is wrong.  However, as the leader of a nation of many faiths, it would be inappropriate of me to force the ideals of one religion on the followers of another.

It seems strange to me that sitting in my office in Washington, I have the power to determine whether people in Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, and thousands of other places can or cannot have abortions.  Why do my beliefs find themselves in power over so many?

I believe that the ultimate decision over the legality of abortion should rest with the states.  Every state should have the chance to decide for itself whether abortion is acceptable or whether it is not.  Do you want your state to outlaw abortion? Write to your state representative. Write to your state senator. Write to your governor.  Tell them how you feel.  Then, when it comes to a vote, make sure that your voice is heard.  If your state decides to outlaw abortion, then it is outlawed.  If your state decides to uphold a woman's right to choose to have an abortion, the abortion is legal. The ruling of your state will reflect the opinion of the majority of the population.  However, if you are on the other side, you won't be pushed under the rug.

Let me give an example:

If Pennsylvania votes to outlaw abortion under any circumstance and you live in PA, then you won't be able to have an abortion in Pennsylvania. However, if you still want to have the procedure, feel free to cross the border into a pro-choice state.  If New York legalizes abortions by popular vote, then have your abortion there and come back home to PA with a clear conscience that you broke no laws.  If you receive any form of retribution from the state or your employer for having an abortion, the federal Justice Department and the President of the United States will support you.

If you live in Pennsylvania and discover that a doctor is performing abortions, alert the legal authorities.  That doctor will face legal action for performing illegal medical procedures, and again, the federal Justice Department and the President of the United States will uphold the anti-abortion laws of the state.

A state should have the right to govern its people, but only at the permission of the people to do so.  However, the federal government will still be there to ensure that every American's individual rights are upheld, whatever they may believe.

I want to be the President of all Americans, not just those who voted for me.  A good leader cannot lower his head and charge forward with his agenda without considering the other points of view.  America is your country and mine.  Live according to your beliefs, be they liberal or conservative, and the federal government will protect your right to do so.


  1. Wow, that's a really strong stance. Reminds me of Ron Paul...too bad he retired.

  2. Haha, thanks for comparing me to a right-wing conservative radical. I should have made it more clear of what I personally believe. I don't believe abortion is okay willy-nilly, but under certain circumstances is admissible (rape, incest, and in the event that the birth would harm either the mother or the baby).

  3. You're welcome, hahaha. But seriously, I think it's a good one. I'm all for sizing down the federal government and giving power to the states. That's how the country started out, right?
