Exploring the nature of humanity and dreaming of futures not so far ahead...

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Personal Update and Thoughts on Tyler Durden

I've committed myself to a life of service.  This isn't a new commitment, and if you know me at all, you know that I have a passion for many things, including politics, international diplomacy, and living my life as close as I can to Jesus' example.

That said, there's a good chance that I'll be moving in the next month or so in order to follow an amazing opportunity in Iowa.  Lord willing, this won't have any impact on this blog (fingers crossed).  There have been some good chats here, and I don't want that to stop.  If I end up moving, you can expect to see my posts lean towards issues of poverty and homelessness in America, as that will be taking up a good portion of my time.

Now, to this week's thought:

It wouldn't be unreasonable to accuse me of following in the footsteps of Tyler Durden, but what do you think would happen if we simply got rid of everything we owned?  With the exception of my computer and a few items of clothing, I may end up doing just that in the event that I move.  Honestly, while I know that materialism isn't the best thing in the world, I find myself slightly anxious that I'll have to leave so much behind. So many memories, so many investments, so much time spent collecting.  Maybe Durden was right; it isn't until you lose everything that you are free to do anything.

1 comment:

  1. Iowa, huh? I'm in Colorado Springs right now, thinking about moving there.

    As far as Tyler Durden-ing goes, I love the idea of leaving everything behind. If you can do it, I say go for it.
